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17th August 2022So, you have finally decided to take that leap of faith and start your very own business. Starting a business can bring about feelings of excitement, pride, and gratitude, along with some more daunting feelings as well. One of the things that may seem daunting is one of the most important aspects of your business, the aspect you are putting out for the world to see… and judge. Your BRAND IDENTITY!
So, firstly, what exactly is a ‘brand’? In short, your brand represents how people see your company’s customer service, character, its advertising, logo, colour scheme etc. Basically, everything. When all of these different aspects of your company work well together, the company’s brand will generally be perceived as healthy. Secondly, why is having a brand so important? Turns out, its not all about the visuals. A brand is a company’s first impression, giving potential consumers/clients a small taste of what your company has to offer and why they should choose your company as appose to your competitors. Your brand is who you are! What could be more important?
Okay, so now that we have covered the basics, let’s get into the whole reason you’re reading this blog post – why YOUR start up business needs not only a brand, but a professional one.
- It will save you money in the future!
Designer or not, about 90% of people will be able to recognize a cheaply designed and poorly thought-out logo. Sure, it is probably cheaper to call up an amateur designer to design your logo, but is it really going to save you money in the long run? Your branding is a long-term investment into your company and WILL cost you a lot of money if you are having to redo it every few months. This is the difference between saving money and using a designer who delivers about as little as you paid, and using an experienced designer who delivers a timeless design that has your small start-up looking like it could take on Microsoft!
- It presents a quality image of your business
There is nothing worse than buying something online, only to have it arrive and be the exact opposite of what the pictures represented! Well, with a poorly designed brand, it is entirely possible that your company represents one thing but offers something quite different. When hiring a professional designer to carefully sculpt your brand, the wishes and needs of you and your target audience are put into consideration throughout every design decision. If your company is offering luxurious services, you want your brand to attract customers who are looking for luxury! Which business does not want to attract the correct customers from the get-go?
- It adds value that increases over time
Humans are certainly visual and emotional creatures. The most successful brands are often able to portray the most exquisite visuals paired with a message that certainly pulls on your heart strings. With a professional brand, humans are naturally more drawn to what you have to offer. Pair these visuals with a story of what inspired you to start your business, and BOOM – your business is competing with Nike! If there comes a day where you have to sell your business, a good brand image will increase the overall sale value of your business by quite a hefty amount.
Along with the reasons listed above, your start-up needs a professional brand for many more reasons – memorability, creating connections, effective communication, and employee pride to name a few. Who wouldn’t be proud to work for a strongly branded company held in high regard?
And there you have it. A professional brand will save you money, represent your products/services for the high quality that they are, and add value like its nobody’s business (even though it’s your business!). Every company needs a brand, but it’s the professionalism that makes them stand out!
Looking for an experienced designer willing to put in the time and research to design a professional brand? Well, look no further! Here at Designer Needed, we pride ourselves in creating professional, unique, and competitive brand identities that are sure to stand out amongst the millions of businesses. Don’t believe us – check out our extensive portfolio here: https://designerneeded.com/portfolio/
Don’t forget to have an awesome July! 😉