6 Marketing trends that will boost your business in 2022!
7th April 2022
YouTube or Podcast, which one is better for my business?!
9th June 2022After working in the same line of business for what feels like centuries, at some point feeling drained and ‘over it’ is inevitable… However, we are here to tell you today that there is a light at the end of the tunnel! You chose this line of work for a reason – so the passion, excitement, and positivity you felt before starting your very first job in your line of work can certainly be found again!
Here are a few ways for you to feel copious amounts of joy in your 8-5:
Take chances and don’t be afraid of change!
Now I know what you are thinking – ‘it’s easier said than done’, and trust me, we agree with you! But taking chances and changing things up does not have to mean giving up your job of 15 years or moving halfway across the world for work. Taking chances and changing things up can simply be redesigning your business’s logo, deciding on a more modern color scheme, or even hiring someone you did not think you needed! Something as small as looking at a logo you are 100% happy with or seeing a new smile every morning can make all the difference in feeling excited for work tomorrow.
Start a little side hustle, guide it into your line of work, and reignite some passion
Are you working as a teacher, but the dream was always to be an illustrator? Well, no one is stopping you from doodling some funky ‘Great Work!’ stickers and getting them printed. I bet you would not be able to wait to see your students faces when you tell them that you made them yourself! Are you a designer, but also a passionate collector of Comic Books? What is standing in the way of you designing something built around your Hobby? The answer is NOTHING! Side hustles can be a great way to pour some passion into something small and let it reignite some excitement. The excitement can (and will) pour over into your work life.
Create! Create! Create!
Whether your 8-5 job is a creative one or not, there is always space for you to create something fresh, something new. Create a new social media page for the company that promotes upcoming events. Create a blog for your company’s website to improve its SEO (plus writing the blogs and posting them is super satisfying). Create a podcast and speak about some important topics your company focuses on etc. Our point is – the options for creating are limitless! Bringing something new into your day-to-day work life will break the built up mediocracy.
Share your work life with the people around you
The saying ‘you’ll feel better after talking about it’ certainly does not exist without reason. Sharing both your achievements and your difficulties is good for the soul (hence why therapists are there!), and there are no better feelings than celebration and support. There is no need to make every aspect of your work life private when it basically is 90% of your life! So… what are you waiting for? Share that new promotion on your LinkedIn page and embrace the congratulations that come from it.
Keep learning, keep optimizing, keep reflecting
Wasn’t it a great feeling when you got an A on a test in high school, knowing you got a better result than a few of your friends who failed it? You do not have to admit it, but we know you love the feeling of success just as much as everyone else. So, you studied, and where did that get you? One step ahead of others, feeling proud, and maybe even feeling like you were an undercover genius. That is the power of learning! Knowing that you are smarter than your competitors and taking steps to prove it can provide a rather large burst of joy. You know what else can also provide an even larger burst of joy? Reminding yourself of it on a day-to-day basis! Never forget to always look at how far you have come and all the different mountains you have already climbed. That is something to be celebrated and to feel joyous about!
And there you have it! We can understand that getting up and doing the exact same thing 40 hours a week, 260 days a year can be quite repetitive and somewhat depletive. Finding joy in the smallest of things is certainly the key to happiness and trying the 5 things we mentioned might just spark the joy you’ve been needing. We are going to leave you with one more quote that is ‘easier said than done’ but extremely true… Are you ready for it?
You DESIGN your own happiness.
Yes, okay, we did change one word, but the meaning stays the same…
Have a great May!